Juvenile Offenses Crimes Defense Attorney Salem

Helping Minors and Their Families Successfully Resolve Their Juvenile Offense Cases in Salem and Portland

As a parent, it can be devastating to have your child arrested. Suddenly, you are faced with so many questions: What can my family expect from the process? How will this affect my child’s future? Fortunately, the Law Office of Travis R. Dickey is committed to helping families navigate the juvenile criminal justice system while working hard to obtain the best possible outcome for your child.

Support When You Need It

Although the juvenile criminal justice system differs in several ways from the larger criminal justice system, it is still overwhelming and even frightening to know what to expect from the process. Your child could still face serious consequences if found guilty, and these punishments could carry long-term effects. Attorney Travis R. Dickey understands the importance of working will all parties involved in your child’s case, as a collaborative approach is often the most successful in achieving a fair outcome. Mr. Dickey will work hard to ensure your child receives sources of support, such as treatment programs or mental health counseling, instead of time behind bars.

Ready to Help

At the Law Office of Travis R. Dickey, we are deeply committed to helping Oregon families resolve juvenile offenses cases and connecting young people to the community resources they need in order to forge a brighter path forward. Don’t let one mistake negatively impact your child’s life—we believe in helping our young clients learn from their mistakes and have the tools they need in order to begin again. Reach out to our office today to get started.

Get Started

Contact us today if you have a potential Juvenile Offenses related criminal defense case.

If your child is currently facing juvenile offense charges in the Salem or Portland area, you need trusted and effective legal representation right away. Reach out to the Law Office of Travis R. Dickey at (503) 597-8282 today to schedule a free consultation with a dedicated juvenile defense attorney.